Advanced Features
Share Storytell Responses
Learn how to share Storytell responses using public links and social media.
Share Storytell Responses
Storytell allows you to share SmartChat™ responses easily via a public link. This feature enables you to share insights with others while keeping the SmartChat™ view-only.
How to Share a Storytell Response
Open the Share Menu
- Hover over or highlight a response and click Share from the Storytell Response Menu.
- Alternatively, click the Share button in the prompt input bar.
Generate a Public Link
A modal will appear with a public link to the SmartChat™.
Copy and Share
Click Copy Link to copy the generated link to your clipboard.
Share via Social Media
Use the built-in buttons to directly share the response on:
- X (Twitter)
Sharing a response only allows viewing. If you want others to edit or collaborate, use the Collaboration feature instead.