Storytell Response Menu

The Response Menu can be accessed in different ways:

MethodScopeUI Pattern
Full Response ButtonEntire answerGet more from this answer button
Text HoverParagraph/blockHover over any text
Text HighlightCustom selectionHighlight 1+ lines

How Responses Adapt Based on Scope

Storytell Actions

The Storytell Response Menu offers several actions you can take to interact with your responses. Depending on your selection method (full response or highlighted text), you will be able to:

Help Me Understand

Simplify, contextualize, and interpret responses based on your needs.


Hover over 'Help Me Understand'

Open the Storytell Response Menu and hover over Help Me Understand to reveal available choices.


Select a Clarification Method

Pick the explanation style that best helps you understand the response.


Receive Instant Clarification

Storytell will generate a refined response based on your selection.

Explain Like I'm Five

Simplifies complex ideas into easy-to-understand language, using analogies and straightforward explanations.

Example: If a response explains quantum mechanics, this option might compare it to bouncing balls on a trampoline.

Why Does This Matter?

Highlights the relevance and importance of the response, providing context on why it’s significant.

Example: If the response is about inflation rates, this option explains how it affects daily expenses.

Get More Detail

To gain further insights into a Storytell response, follow these steps:


Hover over 'Get More Detail'

Open the Storytell Response Menu and hover over the Get more in-depth answer button to reveal available choices.


Select a Clarification Method

Choose the option that aligns with your need for further detail or related content.


Receive Instant Detail

Storytell will generate additional information or similar content based on your selection.

Get More Detail on This

This option provides more comprehensive information on the current topic. It elaborates on specific aspects or adds related context to help you understand the subject better.

Example: If you’re reading about social media trends, this option might dive deeper into specific trends within different platforms.

Find Similar Content Like This

Use this option to discover other related content that expands on or is similar to the current topic. This is useful if you want to explore similar ideas or subjects.

Example: If the current response is about SEO best practices, this option could show articles or resources about digital marketing strategies.

Rewrite for Audience


Hover over 'Rewrite this for a different audience'

Open the Storytell Response Menu and hover over the Rewrite this for a different audience button to reveal available rewrite options.


Select a Rewrite Option

Choose the rewrite style that best suits your audience or goal.


Receive the Rewritten Response

Storytell will instantly generate a new response based on your selected rewrite style.

For Brevity

Condenses the response to its core message, focusing on the essentials in fewer words. Ideal when you need a concise summary or a quick answer.

Example: If the original response includes a lot of detail, this option simplifies it to highlight only the key points.

For an Executive Audience

This option rewrites the response to focus on high-level insights and business strategy. It provides a quick summary with emphasis on decision-making, cutting out unnecessary details.

Example: If you’re explaining a market trend to executives, this rewrite highlights strategic implications and actionable points.

For a Less Technical Audience

Simplifies the response by removing technical jargon and complex terms. This version is suitable for a general audience who may not be familiar with the subject matter.

Example: When explaining technical concepts to someone without a background in the field, this rewrite makes the information more approachable.

For a More Technical Audience

This rewrite is tailored for experts or those familiar with technical language. It uses precise terminology and detailed explanations to meet the expectations of a knowledgeable audience.

Example: If you’re communicating with engineers or specialists, this option deepens the technical explanation and includes more in-depth concepts.

Rewrite for Personality Type

Adjusts the response to align with a specific personality type (e.g., ESTJ, INFP) to ensure the message resonates best. This rewrite is useful for tailoring communication styles to different individuals.

Example: If you’re rewriting a response for an INFP, it may include more empathetic language, while for an ESTJ, it would focus on logic and structure.

Analyze Feelings & Needs


Click the `Analyze Feelings and Needs` Button

Open the Storytell Response Menu and hover over Analyze feelings and needs to reveal available choices.


Select Your Analysis Focus

Once you’ve clicked the button, you will be presented with several options to guide your analysis. Choose the one that best suits your needs:


Review the Analysis

Storytel will instantly generate a new response based on the focus you have chosen.

Option 1: What feelings and emotions were expressed?

This option helps you identify the emotions conveyed in the response. It could highlight feelings like frustration, excitement, confusion, or contentment. It’s ideal for understanding the emotional tone of the conversation.

Option 2: What met and unmet needs were shared?

This analysis focuses on the needs expressed in the conversation. It distinguishes between what was met (e.g., reassurance, information) and what remains unmet (e.g., further clarification, validation).

Option 3: How could this have gone better?

Use this option to evaluate what could be improved in the response. This helps to pinpoint areas where the conversation may have lacked clarity or effectiveness, providing suggestions for enhancement.

Option 4: What's really happening inside this person right now?

This choice encourages a deeper look into the psychological state of the speaker, helping you interpret what might be underlying their words — feelings, thoughts, or concerns that may not be immediately apparent.

Option 5: What's happening under the surface here?

This option focuses on uncovering the deeper context, such as external factors or personal experiences that may be influencing the response. It helps you understand more than just the surface-level conversation.

Ask a Follow-up Question


Click 'Ask a Follow-up Question'

After reviewing a response, click on the Ask a Follow-up Question button.


Wait for the Prompt to Appear

Instead of a direct response, Storytell will generate a detailed prompt in the input bar to guide your next question.


Modify or Submit Your Question

You can edit the prompt or add more context before submitting your follow-up question.

Follow-up Question Example: Feature Limitation

Imagine you’ve just learned about the limitation of uploading large files to the platform, which can only support up to 10GB of data.

When you click the follow-up action, a detailed prompt is generated in the input bar:

“I have this follow-up question about this data:
[Full content of the original response explaining the 10GB file limitation].
Are there any workarounds or future updates planned to support larger files?”

This prompt allows you to expand the conversation by asking for additional insights or clarifications, helping you stay informed and make better decisions.

Follow-up Question Example: User Experience Feedback

Suppose you’ve received feedback on the user interface that suggests the sidebar navigation is confusing. The response you receive explains the current structure and user testing data.

After clicking the follow-up button, the prompt will look like this:

“I have this follow-up question about this data:
[Full content of the original response with user testing data].
Can you provide more detailed suggestions for improving the sidebar’s usability based on the user feedback?”

This follow-up prompt allows you to dig deeper into the issue, requesting more focused or detailed responses to further refine the solution.

Example Scenarios