Creating Sub-Collections


Hover on Parent Collection

  1. Navigate to your desired parent Collection in the sidebar
  2. Hover over the Collection name to reveal action icons

Add Sub-Collection

  1. Click the + button
  2. Enter name and description in the modal
  3. Click Create Collection

Creating a sub-Collection

Start with broad categories then create sub-Collections as insights emerge.
Need to reorganize? Learn how to move Collections

Creating Shared Collections


Navigate to Shared Section

  1. Locate Shared Collections in sidebar
  2. Click the + button

Configure Settings

  1. Name with team convention (e.g., Q3-Analysis)
  2. Add description for context
  3. Click Create

Creating new shared Collection

Moving Collections to Shared:

  • Revokes personal-only access
  • Cannot be undone without re-moving

Best Practices

Next Steps